Buckfast virgin queens
Virgin queens will be available in limited quantities starting from early May.
Orders will be fulfilled in queue, so we invite beekeepers to reserve queens now by placing an order. All queens are reared from breeder queens of known origin, tested in our apiaries. Upon receiving the queens, the beekeeper will also receive information about the origin of the queens.
Buckfast bee colonies:
- Overwinters well even in cold regions with low feed consumption,
- Have good development in spring,
- Gentle during the working procedures,
- Great pollen and nectar foragers,
- Have significantly lower swarming tendency than other races, swarming is easily prevented by widening the nest,
- Have good disease resistance.
Virgin queens are intended to replace old queens in bee colonies or to create new colonies.
Advantages of virgin queens:
- At the beginning of the season, virgin queens are available at least 3 weeks earlier than naturally mated queens, which is essential for replacement of old queens in main colonies or creation of new colonies as early in season as possible,
- Virgin queens have a lower price than mated queens.
Disadvantages of virgin queens:
- Virgin queens need time to go on the “wedding” flight, but there is a risk that favorable weather conditions do not occur for a long time (rain, wind, air temperature below 19°C),
- Queens may not return from the "wedding" flight for various reasons (queen gets lost, returns into the wrong colony, is eaten by birds, etc.),
- Virgin queens are more difficult to introduce to a colony than laying queens.
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