Notice! We accept orders for instrumentally inseminated queens for 4 more days (until May 31)!

Greetings beekeepers!
For just 4 more days (until May 31st) we are accepting orders for instrumentally inseminated queen bees for the 2023 season! Don't miss out and place your order now on our website
This year, we offer instrumentally inseminated Buckfast, Ligustica (Finnish Italian), Carnica, and Carnica-Carphatian cross queen bees.
The price for Buckfast, Carnica, and Carnica-Carphatian cross queen bees is 120 EUR/queen, with a discount to 100 EUR/queen when ordering 4 or more queens.
The price for Ligustica (Finnish Italian) queen bees is 140 EUR/queen, with a discount to 120 EUR/queen when ordering 4 or more queens.
Instrumentally inseminated queen bees will be delivered to their new homes to beekeepers starting from mid-July until mid-August.
All queens and used drones are reared from selected breeder queens, tested in our apiaries. Upon receiving the queens, the beekeeper will also receive information on the origin of the queens and used drones.
With sunny regards, Agnese Smilga-Spalviņa.
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