Carnica-Carpathian breeder queen KK20

Photo: KK20 queen with her silver-colored worker bees.
Greetings bee friends!
In today's post I wanted to tell you about one of our instrumentally inseminated queen KK20 who is Carnica-Carphatian cross breeder queen.
She, along with her 5 sisters, are the selected breeder queens, which we instrumentally inseminated in the summer of 2020. For 4 years now, these breeder queens have been providing us with wonderful Carnica-Carphatian cross daughters, which have not only been sent to customers all over Europe, but we have also used their daughters in the creation of many new lines, so that we can preserve the wonderful characteristics of this cross even after these 6 breeder queens will no longer be with us.
While working with this cross, we have been surprised by the remarkably rapid colony development in the spring, their ability to work in unfavorable weather conditions, and their strong hygiene behavior. This cross overwinters very well with large colonies and with low feed consumption. They are gentle and take full advantage of early spring pollen and nectar. This cross is also highly suitable for queen rearing to establish rearing colonies, so we extensively use them in our apiaries. These queens have been our main helpers and often saviors in queen rearing.
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